Consulting Services
We offer discounts for registered nonprofits that align with our mission and values.

Curriculum Design and Training
arts education
policy advocacy
community organizing
youth development
health equity
EDI including gender-based and intersectional frameworks

ToT (curriculum and training materials add-on) leadership development
issues-based theater
tech week
transformative education techniques, methods and tools for schools and nonprofits
UNICEF Liberia
US Embassy Liberia
Government of Liberia
The Sachs Program
Well-Being and Equity-Bridging Network
Vital Voices
Oxfam Liberia
Featured Projects

Our arts-based advocacy and community education efforts have reached hundreds of thousands through live performance, especially on issues of health promotion and wellness during the Ebola and COVID-19 crises.
Our signature program, the Global Youth Arts Collaborative, a 10-week arts and community engagement training has gone virtual to reach youth all over the world with this model.
Through our consulting services, we have provided training and curricular materials on education, gender, health, arts, and advocacy to community organizations and academic institutions. Follow us as we Burn Barriers and Build Bridges to academic success and positive community change!